
The Locations module records information about physical storage locations, which can then be attached to catalogue records to track object movement. Please see Axiell’s documentation for generic information about this module. Documentation about the Location tab in the Catalogue module may also be helpful.

screenshot of the Locations module in EMu
Locations module in EMu. As of Summer 2019 the only fields actively in use by LACMIP are the levels shown highlighted here.

The format for the LACMIP’s storage locations is as shown in the table here:

field role
Level 1 DEPARTMENT, always “Invertebrate Paleontology”
Level 3 CABINET or physical sub-collection
Level 4 DRAWER or more anything more specific

Below are some examples of various common locations:

field example value
Level 1 Invertebrate Paleontology
Level 2 Carson Warehouse
Level 3 Cabinet 238
Level 4 Drawer 06
field example value
Level 1 Invertebrate Paleontology
Level 2 Carson Warehouse
Level 3 Education Collection
Level 4  
field example value
Level 1 Invertebrate Paleontology
Level 2 Carson Warehouse
Level 3 Taxonomic Collection
Level 4  
field example value
Level 1 Invertebrate Paleontology
Level 2 Carson Warehouse
Level 3 Special Collections
Level 4 Fossil Insect Cabinet
field example value
Level 1 Invertebrate Paleontology
Level 2 NHMLA Main Museum
Level 3 Type Room
Level 4  

Update storage locations

Ideally, the storage locations for all specimens should be tracked. This can be done one of two ways: 1) by updating the storage location directly on the Location tab within the Catalogue module or 2) by using the Relocate tool.

Option 1: Update storage locations on the Location tab

To update the location of one record, fill out the Current Location, Authorized By, Moved By, and Inventoried By fields on the Location tab. This can be somewhat tedious, especially for updating multiple records, so the Relocate tool is the recommended option.

Option 2: Update storage locations for multiple records with Relocate

To update storage locations using the Relocate tool, search for and select all records in the Catalogue module that you would like to apply (or update) the storage locations for. Then navigate to the Relocate tool: Tools > Relocate > Selected Records. In the Location Update window, attach the appropriate values for the fields as shown below. The Date Moved and Time Moved fields will update automatically.

Storage location history is visible on the Location tab in the Movement History table. Note that only the database administrator can remove rows from this table once they have been added and saved, so please update storage locations carefully.

screenshot of the Locations module in EMu
Storage locations can be updated on individual records (above) or for multiple records (below).
screenshot of the Locations module in EMu


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