Migrating (Access)

LACMIP was cataloging specimens in Microsoft Access from 2015 to July 2019; however, cataloging now occurs in EMu. The process to migrate data from Access into EMu is archived here.

Extract from Access

  1. Pull up the data you want to migrate in the Specimen table of the Access database. Copy the data and paste into Excel, then save as a CSV.
  2. In the Access column MigrationStatus flag all of the rows you just copied with the value “yes” by using Find & Replace (you can find blank cells by searching for “Null”).
  3. Import the newly-saved CSV into OpenRefine.

Verify basic data

Run the script _OpenRefineScript_AccessSpms-to-EMu.json in OpenRefine. This will take care of basic transformations needed to prepare the data for EMu. Data in all columns should be spot-checked to verify, with special attention to the following…

  1. Deal with any data in the column locMod, then delete this column.
  2. Make sure that the project value (IPProject) is correct for your data; the default value is currently set to “EPICC.”
  3. Deal with any data in the column Flag, then delete this column. The value “provisional” in this column should have automatically been converted to a value of “unknown” in the column IPDisposition.
  4. Deal with any data in the column Comments, then delete this column. Or if there are comments that need to remain with the record, retain them in a column named InvLotRemarks.
  5. Check data in the columns IPCollection, IPTypeNo and InvTypeStatus. All rows that have a type number and status should have a value of “TYPE” for IPCollection.
  6. Check data in the columns IPCatInstCode_tab (for the institution code, e.g. “UCLA”) and IPCatInstNumber_tab (for the number, e.g “38469”). If there are multiple numbers, make sure to add the suffix “(1)” after the first two column names and add an additional column pair for each set, named e.g. IPCatInstCode_tab(2) + IPCatInstNumber_tab(2).
  7. Convert the dates in AdmDateInserted to ISO standard, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.

Verify taxonomic identification data

Review and transform data related to the ACCEPTED identification. This has been left un-automated in order to ensure the highest level of data quality control…

  1. Check the column KenNo for any information. This data is only necessary if both SpecTaxNo and OriginalID are blank. Delete KenNo after checking.
  2. Review and fix data in Ide2IdentifiedBy1_tab(1). Replace abbreviations where full names are known, e.g. “LouElla Saul” rather than “L. Saul.” All rows should have values; use “unknown” where necessary.
  3. Convert the dates in Ide2DateIdentified0(1) to ISO standard, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD. Add a year for recent identifiers, e.g. if Ide2IdentifiedBy1_tab(1) is “Erica Krimmel” enter “2018” for the value of Ide2DateIdentified0(1).
  4. Look up the EMu IRNs for each SpecTaxNo value using the “Add column based on this column” command with code snippet cell.cross("access-taxonomy-crosswalk_2019-01-03","TaxTaxNo").cells["EMUIRN"].value[0]. Name the new column Ide2TaxonRef_tab(1).irn, and make sure that every row has a value.

    In this and each subsequent step that uses the cell.cross command, you’ll need to have the current crosswalk (e.g. access-taxonomy-crosswalk_2019-01-03) loaded into your instance of OpenRefine, and you’ll also need to edit the name of the crosswalk in the code snippet if it differs.

  5. Once you have an EMu IRN for every row, delete the SpecTaxNo column and add a new column based on Ide2TaxonRef_tab(1).irn called Ide2Qaulifier_tab(1) using the snippet cell.cross("emu-taxonomy_2019-01-03","irn").cells["Ide2Qaulifier_tab"].value[0].
  6. Add a new column based on Ide2TaxonRef_tab(1).irn called Ide2QualifierRank_tab(1) using the snippet cell.cross("emu-taxonomy_2019-01-03","irn").cells["Ide2QualifierRank_tab"].value[0].
  7. Check that the names in Access are still up-to-date by adding a new column based on Ide2TaxonRef_tab(1).irn using the snippet cell.cross("emu-taxonomy_2019-01-03","irn").cells["ClaCurrentlyAccepted"].value[0]. Delete this column after you look for, and resolve, any rows with a value of “No.”

Review and transform the data related to the ORIGINAL identification. This has been left un-automated in order to ensure the highest level of data quality control…

  1. Look up the EMu IRNs for each OriginalID value using the “Add column based on this column” command with code snippet cell.cross("access-taxonomy-crosswalk_2019-01-03","TAXON").cells["EMUIRN"].value[0]. Name the new column Ide2TaxonRef_tab(2).irn. Each existing value for OriginalID needs to be either converted to a value for Ide2TaxonRef_tab(2).irn or recorded as a comment in Ide2Comments0(2). Inevitably, you will need to look up some names by hand, and you may need to create names in EMu for taxonomy that is invalid but still a concept we want to track (see Taxonomy Module documentation for more on this).
  2. Once you have EMu IRNs for each row where OriginalID has a value, delete the OriginalID column and add the following columns based on Ide2TaxonRef_tab(2).irn by looking up values from the emu-taxonomy crosswalk (as described in the accepted identification steps above): Ide2Qaulifier_tab(2), Ide2QualifierRank_tab(2).
  3. Add another two columns where you autofill “No” for any row with a value in the Ide2TaxonRef_tab(2).irn column: Ide2FiledAs_tab(2), Ide2CurrentID_tab(2).
  4. If necessary, use the column Ide2Comments0(2) to record notes about an identification, or to record a name that is not appropriate to add to the EMu taxonomic dictionary.

Add collecting event data

  1. Add collector information for each SitSiteRef_tab.SitSiteNumber by using the “Add column based on this column” command with code snippet cell.cross("locality-collector-and-date_2019-01-16", "SitSiteNumber").cells["IPCollName_tab"].value[0].
  2. Add collecting start date information for each SitSiteRef_tab.SitSiteNumber by using the “Add column based on this column” command with code snippet cell.cross("locality-collector-and-date_2019-01-16", "SitSiteNumber").cells["IPStartDate0"].value[0].
  3. Add collecting end date information for each SitSiteRef_tab.SitSiteNumber by using the “Add column based on this column” command with code snippet cell.cross("locality-collector-and-date_2019-01-16", "SitSiteNumber").cells["IPEndDate0"].value[0].

Load into EMu

  1. Export a CSV from OpenRefine to load into EMu, and save a copy to the folder Dropbox > EMu > Data Migration Archive > Catalogue.
  2. If you are accessing EMu via the VPN, drag and drop the CSV file into the remote desktop and open the file from within the remote desktop. For whatever reason, opening the file helps EMu recognize it as a valid format.
  3. Open the Catalogue module of EMu and follow the instructions for a custom import. Remember that validating your file before importing it is a good way to double-check your work and avoid headaches later.


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